Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Win a Free Issue of Shadowland Magazine #2!

We're giving away a free copy of Shadowland Magazine #2 to twenty-five lucky winners! Want to have a chance at winning?

All you have to do is send Shadowland Magazine an email telling us your favorite Batman movie. Partial to Tim Burton's initial take on the Caped Crusader? Or did The Dark Knight win you over? Always favored the classic Adam West flick? Maybe Mask of the Phantasm was more to your liking? Is Schumacher's Batman and Robin your guilty pleasure...yeah, probably not...

Let Shadowland Magazine know at:

The results will be announced in Shadowland Magazine #3, which will be a 'bat' issue focusing on Gotham's nocturnal avenger. 

25 contest winners will be chosen at random.
Contest ends November 25th, 2011.

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