Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lizard Boy Is On The Loose!

We've recently received a press release for an upcoming creature-feature flick titled, Lizard Boy. It follows the science-run-amok formula and certainly seems to be aiming for a vibe of "older-style" monster movies and, in our book, there's nothing wrong with that!


San Luis Obispo, CA - Indy filmmakers Paul Della Pelle and Adonis Cruz have hatched a distribution deal with Cinema Epoch, releasing Lizard Boy to the streets on DVD August 16th.

This humorous, horror-thriller weaves a suspenseful tale of genetic engineering gone gruesomely wrong when a government experiment and an unstable geneticist collide.

Hired by Defense Science Office agents to create a genetic hybrid by combining Rhesus Monkey and reptile DNA, renowned geneticist, Gino Conti (Pete Punito) becomes suspicious of the government’s intentions and sets out to sabotage their seemingly diabolical plan.

Plagued by personal inadequacies and memories of his tragic past, Dr. Conti makes the experiment his own by injecting human DNA into the mix, creating a half-human half-reptile hybrid he then raises as his son.

Family life goes on fairly normally with a son heavy into mixed martial arts, internet dating, and catching and eating local wildlife. But parenting becomes a real challenge when the son, Carlo, develops a taste for human blood.

When a local couple is found viciously murdered, the government agents and local law enforcement suspect things amiss at T-Gen labs, and Conti’s covert scheme begins to quickly unravel, setting off a dangerous chase into the monstrous side of science.

Director, Paul Della Pelle, and Cinematographer, Adonis Cruz, own and operate Picture Stable, a production company in San Luis Obispo, California.

For those interested, the official site of the film (and a trailer!) can be located here:

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