Sunday, May 13, 2012

Advertising Wasteland: Johnson Smith Company 1975

Say what you will, most of the stuff in the old Johnson Smith Company ads (typically found in comic books) was junk - but some of it was also really great!

Okay, sure...the joy buzzer didn't work, nor did the automatic hypnotizer, x-ray goggles, air car, or electric motor (or just about any other product that claimed to 'do' something). Nevertheless, the horror record was a pretty sweet deal for 95 cents, and the greedy fingers bank was a nice novelty for $1.95. A 170 page book on Bruce Lee for $1.25? Sold! Both the Star Trek exploration set and crime detection lab might have had some potential. Of course, one wonders how realistic the so-called "realistic" Frankenstein mask was for only $3.95 - even if we're talking about 1975 currency. 

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