Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Limited Edition T-Shirts You Just Need To Own!

Who watches the Empire?
You know that feeling of disappointment when you miss out on something really awesome? Like say, having to use the bathroom and missing the final epic scene of a great film. Or, falling asleep before midnight on New Years Eve. Or missing that phone call from a rich oil tycoon informing you that you're their sole heir?

Well, this is similar, because there are only a very - and we stress very, few of these limited edition T-Shirts still available and when they're gone...they're gone forever!!!

Few would argue with Ackbar's assertion that "It's A Trap!"
Admiral Ackbar may have obtained cult status from his relatively small role in Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi, but nevertheless, the resourceful fellow has branched out into the ghostbustin' business. Needless to say, he's not afraid of no ghost, plus he's adept at utilizing ecto containment units (otherwise known as traps!)

And my Boomstick!
Ash is no pushover when it comes to taking out countless hordes of Deadites. Whether it's in Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn or in Army Of Darkness, one can be sure that wherever Ash is, a chainsaw and his trusty boomstick can't be too far behind.

It would be a tragedy to miss out on this shirt!
Comedy and Tragedy. Aristotle would be proud. Of course, so would V from V For Vendetta and the title killer, Ghostface, from Scream.

The Greatest Rock Band  of All Time(s)!
Few people are aware that at some point four of the Doctors from Dr. Who had formed a rock band titled, appropriately enough: The Whos.

They Have The Power!
Much like a certain quartet of Doctors from Dr. Who, the self-styled Masters Of The Universe formed their own heavy metal outfit in the late '80s. Their debut album, Appetite For Eternia contained such memorable tracks as "Welcome to Snake Mountain", "Mr. Grayskull", and "Sweet Orko o' Mine".

Space Pirates Beware!
Samus Aran is the (attractive) poster child for the galaxy's rallying cry for 'Peace In Space'. Though it's hard to maintain such peace with the constant threat of space pirates. 

Flame Grilled!
Scorpion is frequently asked about his personal life when not engaging in a Mortal Kombat tournament. Many would be surprised to know that he's the proprietor of The Toasty BBQ Shack. Well, what are you waiting for? Get over there!!!

The Food Of The Future.
Soylent Green is great for those on a diet. What's in the food, you ask? Don't worry, it's nutritious and comes in a variety of flavors. May we recommend green?

Canned Brains. Finger Licking Good.
Ever have someone tell you that you don't have any brains? Well, prove them wrong with a can of Cannibals Condemned Brains Soup...or, at least a t-shirt of it!

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